I want to go to What The Heck Fest this summer, but it isn't looking too good. Heck Fest is the weekend before VBS, which is looking like the busiest week of the summer. And well, I have a lot to prepare and need to be back early-ish on Sunday. I discovered last year while busing to and from Anacortes, it is impossible to bus out of Anacortes on a Sunday. Maybe if I could get a ride to Mount Vernon, it is a possibility. Well hopefully I can figure it out. So if anyone wants to go to Heck Fest this summer, lets do it!! I am probably going to get my ticket soon.
Oh and in other good news. I am riding my bike all over the place now. It is awesome that riding my bike comes with this false sense of superiority over my fellow man. (I mean man as in people, not like the sex man. I know this is pretty sexist but I decided that fellow man sounded better than fellow person, so suck it!) But really I feel so superior now, like I am going to save the planet and all you car drives are causing the demise of the planet. I feel as though I am single handedly solving global warming. Oh and I feel hella punk rock. No, I am serious, ride a bike. And not cause its better for the earth or better for your health, but because it allows you to be an elitist ass hole. Great feeling! I understand you Olympia! I finally understand. (By the way, if you have a car I will still thankfully accept rides anywhere because riding a bike is fucking tiring, oh and if anyone wants to give me a car and pay for my gas I'll ditch this fucking bike in a second.)
Go Critical Mass!! Woot!