This man, Jim Caldwell, is the coach for the Colts, who lost the Super Bowl today.
He will not yell.
He will not scream.
He will not giving a rousing half-time speech in the locker room that motivates the players, giving them a new found faith in themselves.
No, he will just look at you
With his piercing stare.
After the game today, he made the team stand in a line and one by one he looked them straight in the face.
He just looked.
At this moment, they all new they were failures.
But enough about the Super Bowl, which is obviously just some sick parody of tonights main event!!

I think we can all agree the bunny cheerleaders were a joke!
i followed 2 brass bands as they marched down Royal and Frenchman street, and even the streetpunks here are into the Saints. WHAT
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