Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Martinelli's Sparkling Cider and a pizza Lunchable

Last night I went to a party. It was the last thing I wanted to do on New Years Eve. I would have preferred to sit around and watch movies, or get coffee. I don't think I have ever been to a party on New Years. I really try and avoid it at all costs. But last night I was defeated, everybody was going over to Regina's to party, so I went. On the way to the party I got a bottle of Martinelli's Sparkling Cider and a pizza Lunchable. I know how to party like a big girl. I ended up having a blast! I kind of entered the night assuming that I wasn't going to have fun, but I was wrong. I was able to see and hang out with a bunch of old friends. Several members of my family were there (like any true party). Their wasn't even too much drunk drama, which was nice.

Nathan started the count down early. What a fucker. He definitely intentionally started counting down like 30 seconds early. Everyones was fooled and joined in. New Years is ruined. I got covered in beer and champagne spray. Interesting pictures are sure to surface from that party.

At like 1 o clock, myself, Nathan, Billy, Rachel, Alison, and Kayci went to Denny's. The food was especially gross. Those seven dollar nachos were disgusting. I just got fries, it was pretty safe. I'm pretty sure at least 5 Denny's patrons and employees were offended by our presence. It was a good night at Denny's. Afterwards I spent the night at Nathans. I just got home. I don't think I give enough credit to my friends in the north end. I really do have so much fun with all of them. I mean we listened and danced to Hey Ya at least 3 times last night. Hella party.

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